Friday, August 22, 2008

re Welcome Mat

Most WELCOME mats do not make such good use of the opportunity to set the tone for a visitor. There is more to life than just cleaning your feet.

Monday, July 28, 2008

re Suicide Gimmick

This discarded sign offers a new tack on the challenge of panhandling in the cynical Fremont neighborhood. The full presentation involves lying along a heavily traveled bike path, curling up in the fetal position and draping the cardboard sandwich board style message over the shoulders. A rain soaked hat is placed nearby for whatever funds might be forthcoming. This is the third sign that has surfaced in as many weeks, making it easier to separate the posers from serious players. Makes one wonder how many times this ploy will work. Even the vernacular lettering fails the sincerity test.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Xmas Past

These Xmas cards from Xmas past might explain why the friends who received them have removed me from their address books.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

re BiG NEwS

More than the brain can imagine. Just plain
amazing. Take a look: