It was recently reported that Seattle's public toilet project is being phased out. What fun they were. Designed in Germany. A product that combined the talents of graphic designers, engineers, medical doctors, plumbers, sociologists, and the homeless beta testers. During their short tenure in this city it was hoped that they would provid a secure and relatively clean place for one, to shoot up, to make love, to get warm, to wash up, and even to read the Sunday funnies. The installation of an outside security camera did not deter the abuses of one facility, since there were apparently 7,418 reports of human waste on the floor in the first two years. Apparently it is easier to toilet train dogs than it is people. Seems it will cost $700,000 to vacate the $700,000 a year maintenance contract that was set to run until 2014. One can only wonder if maybe the project failed because the signage used the wrong typeface. As they say at IBM... "No one ever got fired for using Helvetica." -- F.U.
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